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Why We Do “Finding Peace in Nature” And “Align With The Divine” Courses: An Open Letter About Connecting With God And Jesus Through Nature

Background: Marnie sends out emails to friends, inviting them to look at her book about Finding Peace in Nature, and her course: Align With The Divine: Embrace Your Sacred Nature. Both the book and the class, as well as other materials and events we produce, focus on connecting with God and Jesus through Nature. As I read through her emails, I felt inspired to weigh in. After writing this open letter, I knew I should not only post it as a blog, but also connect it to our Spirit Tree Farms Mission Statement.

This is Dave, aka Nature’s Guy, co-founder of Spirit Tree Farms. I usually don’t write these emails, but I thought I’d weigh in on the validity, strength, and spirituality of connecting with God and Jesus through Nature, as well as discovering and expanding your Core Sacred Self, through the Align With Divine class and Marnie’s book on finding peace in Nature.

When Marnie first told me about these classes, focused on helping folks like you (and me!) hear the messages and connect with God and Jesus THROUGH Nature, I wasn’t too sure. I mean, I thought to myself “What experiences do we have hearing Divine messages, connecting with Nature?”

I just wasn’t certain.

But the reality is this: I’ve been blessed my entire life by having a unique combination of spiritual AND Nature observation mentorship. My Dad, Grandma, and other relatives taught me not only the science behind Nature observation, but also the “feels”, the spiritual aspects of Nature observation and connection. And my own experience, as a creative AND a disciple of Jesus Christ, has taught me even more.

Sharing Connecting With God And Jesus Through Nature

The other day I was thinking about what we are trying to share with you. I realized that our desire to bring people to God and Jesus through Nature, by observing and connecting with the Divine THROUGH Nature, is not a replacement for any other way to learn about Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. It won’t replace Scripture study. It is not more holy than listening to a prophet’s voice. It’s not better than going to church, doing charity work, researching Family History, or attending Church. It will never be a substitute for personal prayer and revelation.

I believe connecting with God and Jesus through Nature is a “Yes, AND….”

In her book on Finding Peace in Sacred Nature, Marnie wrote that Nature is constantly broadcasting God and Jesus’s messages of love, joy, peace, harmony, and healing, to US. We, like Mother Earth and Nature, are parts of Creation. 

A turning point, for me, was when I realized that connecting with God and Jesus through Nature, going out into Nature to hear Their Divine messages, is like attending a giant revival or testimony meeting. But it’s a testimony meeting filled with the Spirit, with pure experiences, with downloads of wisdom and knowledge through Nature.

I’ve come to realize that Marnie and I are uniquely placed at Spirit Tree Farms, with each other, to learn — to have revealed — these truths, these lessons. I’ve also been taught that it is now our responsibility to share these lessons about connecting with God and Jesus through Nature, with you. I’ve shared my testimony of Holy Scriptures, of Holy Prophets and Apostles, of Gospel Restoration, of God’s Love, of Christ’s Divinity, for the last several decades.

It is now time to expand my sharing to include my testimony that Nature, Mother Earth, are God’s and Jesus’s Creations, and that all Nature has messages from the Divine, for us to hear.

I hope you’ll consider taking Marnie’s Align with the Divine class, and reading her book, to deepen your ability to connect with Heavenly Father and Jesus through Their Creations!

Dave Kuhns

PS: At Spirit Tree Farms in Northwest Georgia, we offer in-person and virtual classes on Nature observation and creativity as well. Each expresses our appreciation for God, Jesus, and Their Divine creations in Nature. We also invite you to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and in our blog.

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