Changing From Being Earth Stewards to Earth Partners: A Lesson In Eco-Humility
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Changing From Being Earth Stewards to Earth Partners: A Lesson In Eco-Humility

Amid all the discussions about alternative fuels, climate change, responsible farming, eco-tourism, biophilia, and more, global citizens are demanding that the human species be “Earth Stewards”. They say that we have a responsibility to use our wisdom, knowledge, and collective thinking to protect, shepherd, defend, and care for Mother Earth and Nature. Isn’t this arrogance,…

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When Nature Observation Sparks Creativity

We teach Nature observation so you folks can hear and feel and experience God’s love and messages in Nature. As you do, we show you, by example, how to let Nature inspire your own unique creativity. Mission Statement: What We Do At Spirit Tree Farms Nature Observation Inspires Creativity One of our main objectives at…