What if we share Nature joy instead of sharing complaints, politics, and “What ifs”? I’ve seen several posts recently about being too connected (and yes, the irony is not lost on me!) One of my favorites says that, because we’re watching too much HGTV, we’re dissatisfied with our homes. Because we’re engaging too much with social media, we’re dissatisfied with ourselves. And because we’re watching too much news, we’re dissatisfied with the world.

Folks are suggesting we disconnect from all these artificial influences and influencers, and connect with Nature. Ideas such as woods walking, Nature bathing, biophilia, bliss breaks, and more are catching on. And that’s great!

But … could there be more?

What if we take connecting with Nature one step deeper, one step farther, and share Nature joy? That is, what if we share photos, videos, thoughts, creative pieces … in short, any inspiration that comes from our being influenced by Nature?

I wonder how much more we would each see if we were all in the habit of sharing how we experience what God is broadcasting through His creations in Nature.

My challenge to you? Think about what you see in Nature, what brings you joy, then share. #FindNatureJoy is always a good hashtag to connect with.

PS: Interested in seeing more, and being more creative, in Nature? Follow us for upcoming Nature Observation and Creativity Courses at Spirit Tree Farms.

In the video I reference Marnie’s blog about remembering and retaining aha moments, experiences, and inspiration. Here’s the link.

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