When Nature’s Peace Isn’t Working
At Spirit Tree Farms, our belief and mission is that Jesus Christ brings peace into our lives, We’ve learned, and want to share with others, that Nature is one of His tools — one of His underutilized methods — for bringing us His peace.
But what happens when Nature’s Peace — Christ’s peace through Nature — doesn’t seem to work? What then?
Let’s face it: Life is tough sometimes. Parents, children, marriage relationships, work (or lack thereof), financial worries, the world’s situation, and much more, all can combine to bring us down, to make us worried, depressed, and even questioning ourselves and our relationship with God, Christ, and the Divine. “Am I doing the right thing? Why don’t I seem to be connecting with God and Jesus lately? Why isn’t Nature’s peace — Christ’s peace through Nature — reaching me and helping me?”
Do you feel that? Lately (meaning, yesterday and today), I’ve been feeling that. I feel disconnected. I feel like I don’t WANT to get out into Nature, to even TRY to feel Christ’s peace in Nature. It’s as if I’m saying: “What’s the point?”
Avoiding Nature Is The Clue
That’s the answer. That’s the reason. That’s the clue and the insight. When you feel “I don’t want to get out into Nature,” or “I don’t want to seek God and Christ’s peace” or “I don’t want to pray” or “I don’t want to read the Scriptures” or “I don’t want to do what I know Heavenly Father and Jesus want me to do” or “I don’t want to call on the Father in the name of Jesus,” THEN you can KNOW why you’re feeling down, disconnected, depressed, uncertain.
It’s because you’re not doing what you should.

What’s The Solution To Find Nature’s Peace?
So what’s the solution? How can we find Christ’s peace, whether through Nature or elsewhere? It’s frighteningly simple. It’s silly how simple it is. In fact, it’s so simple, so easy, we might not WANT to even do it. Why not? Because sometimes it’s just easier to wallow, to think “My life is so hard”, to believe “Heavenly Father and Christ don’t love or care about me. Nobody loves me. Guess I’ll eat some worms.”
But we’re wrong. We are loved by God and His Son Jesus Christ. Always. Constantly. No matter what we do, no matter how evil we may think we are, no matter our weaknesses, addictions, anger, contention. They love us, always. AND, more importantly, They are willing to tell us, always. But we have to believe and seek. One of my favorite passages in Marnie’s book on finding peace in Nature can be paraphrased like this: Nature is CONSTANTLY broadcasting how much God and Jesus love us. Mother Earth is always broadcasting these messages: Come to me. Feel Christ’s peace. I can (and will) heal you.”
The solution is to step outside. Turn your face to the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky. Yawp thanks to a sunset. Wave at a sunrise. Talk to a bug, a bird, a tree. Look at a plant. Spread your arms open, palms out, and feel Nature. Take in God’s and Christ’s love for you. Find and feel and wrap yourself up in Nature’s peace. It’s there. It’s always there.
You just have to go get it.
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