Tapping The Spiritual Roots Of Nature Observation and Connection
Are God and Jesus Christ broadcasting Their messages of peace, healing, and love through Nature, Mother Earth, and Their creations? Are there spiritual roots of Nature? We'll explore these thoughts, along with asking the "Why?" and "So we can what?" questions.
The world seems to be exploding with more interest about Nature, the environment, and the Earth. Especially since the Covid pandemic hit, social and other media seem to increasingly discuss the need for us as humans to be in Nature, take care of the Earth, fix the environment.
More and more on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube and other social media, channels and groups get formed that deal with the Earth, #biophilia, the #environment, and #Nature. Some zone in on what individuals can do, such as encourage native plant growth, living off the grid or homesteading, pollinator gardening, forming birding habitats, forest bathing, grounding, and other habits to connect with Nature. Others focus more on saving the planet, using less plastic, fighting for climate change, using alternative energy, population control, being responsible stewards of the Earth, and other social and governmental changes.

All these Earth- and environmental-focused individual and group movements are important. They remind me of the environmental movements and focus I had as a youth in the late 1960s and 70s: Anti-DDT, Earth Day, organic gardening, Mother Earth News. They also bring to mind the great environmental writings of past generations, such as Walden, Silent Spring, Sand County Almanac, and the writings of John Muir and Walt Whitman.
Asking The “Why?” Questions: So We Can What?
As important as these movements and groups are, there seemed to be a missing element, or a deeper “Why” and “What” reason. In the context of this explosive growth and interest throughout the world, Marnie (CreationGirl.com) and I were discussing our work, in Nature and on the land at Spirit Tree Farms.
Especially, as our discussion focused on getting folks involved in Nature observation and creativity through courses and presentations we’re offering, I began to wonder about “WHY are we doing what we are doing?”
At almost the same time, one of these groups posted a short video clip of a presentation we’d made for them last year. Although the entire presentation included feeling the joy and peace Jesus and Heavenly Father offer us through all of Nature (the spiritual roots of Nature observation), and although we talked about being Earth’s partners, rather than just stewards and caretakers, the video clip seemed to be scientific. During the video segment, it seemed I focused almost exclusively on the science of wildflowers and pollinators, with no mention of feeling connected to God, or feeling the Creator’s Spirit out in Nature, or the joy and peace and happiness that the spiritual roots of Nature bring us.
My scientific approach, and the lack of joy, peace, happiness, and love found in Nature, jarred me.
Yes, getting folks out into Nature; teaching them about the environment, natural medicine, growing wildflowers, enjoying gardening; increasing their creativity; connecting with Mother Earth; improving Nature observation skills; these are all vital pursuits and skills. They are all important. Yet, it seems that these activities still beg the question: “So We Can What?”
As we explored that question, several answers to that concern, and to the question “WHY are we doing what we are doing?” seemed to be explode onto us.
Connecting With The Spirital Roots of Nature Means Drawing Closer To God And Jesus, With Resultant Blessings

Our focus at Spirit Tree Farms is not only helping folks connect with Nature. There are lots of groups doing that, and they do it well. It’s not only increasing creativity through Nature observation. Again, lots of groups do that. But the “Why?” and “So We Can What?” answer is deeper, and simpler, than just increasing a Nature connection. It is reflected in the very title of Marnie’s “Finding Peace” book and classes: Align with the Divine: Living in Sacred Nature and Hear God’s Messages Through Nature.
We decided that, at Spirit Tree Farms, we accept several concepts as truths:
- Jesus Christ, under Heavenly Father’s direction, created the Earth and all things in Nature, and so is “The Creator”
- Nature / the Earth is 100% obedient to the Creator
- We (humans) are spirit children of our Heavenly Father
- Jesus Christ came to Earth and sacrificed Himself so we could go to Heaven
- Jesus, Nature, and the Earth, being unified in intent, want NOTHING MORE than to help us get to heaven!
In our discussion about the spiritual roots of Nature observation, connecting with God and Jesus through Nature, Marnie and I learned / were taught:
- When we as individuals work to “Save The Planet” or connect with Nature, God touches our lives
- We feel Nature Joy and are changed internally, spiritually, from Nature and God’s external influence
- Because Nature embodies the Spirit of God, when we are in Nature, we can feel His Spirit
- Feeling the Spirit in Nature (and elsewhere) thus cleans and purifies our spirits
- Feeling the Spirit in Nature helps us recognize “This is who you are!”
- The Earth is constantly broadcasting God’s and Christ’s messages of love, healing, and peace
- The Earth and Nature are constantly saying: “Come to me. I can heal you.”

Marnie uses the analogy of how we humans, with our individual spirits, are like clean desks. As we live in the world, we allow our desks to become cluttered with things of the world, with worry, noise, confusion, conflict, and concern. By letting us feel the Creator’s Spirit, and reminding us “This is who you ARE!” (what Marnie calls your “Core Sacred Self”), Nature basically is cleaning off our desks.
More concepts we learned include:
- The cleaner we are, (or, the cleaner our desks are), the more access we have to the Divine
- The cleaner we are, the better our reception is to revelation for Heavenly Father through His Spirit
Purpose Of What We Do In And With Nature
At this point in our discussion, the revelation hit us: Our premise, our purpose, at Spirit Tree Farms is to bring souls to Christ. How do we help do that? By using what we observe and learn in Nature, from Nature, as tools. We focus on the spiritual roots of Nature. We were taught:

- Nature is a cleaner, a spiritual cleanser
- The cleaner we as individual humans are, the more we become our “Core Sacred Self”, the more connected with the Spirit we are, the closer we can come to Christ, and the more we can “Hear Him”
- Any time we go out into Nature, we have the opportunity to learn not only in that moment, but to gather information we can reflect on later, lessons we can look at for metaphors
- To Nature, the Earth, and the Creator, “all things are spiritual.”
- Being in Nature puts us into a spiritual focus and rhythm, cleansing us and allowing us to see and feel, and see and feel more.
- Part of Nature observation and connection is expectation: “The more we see, the more we see. See?”
- Because the Earth is completely obedient and spiritual, it models how we can be obedient and spiritual
- Nature observation and connection increases the revelation we receive through God’s Spirit
- It also increases our knowledge about God and Jesus Christ
- Nature observation and connection and the increased knowledge and revelation increases our gratitude to God and Jesus Christ for the miracles of Nature and life
- This increased expectation, revelation, knowledge, and gratitude increases our joy and peace
- This increased joy and peace we find in and learn from Nature brings us closer to God and His Son Jesus Christ
Bringing people closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, so we all can learn, be cleansed, and feel joy, is the Earth’s and Nature’s purpose. As we share our experiences in and with Nature and the Earth, It should be our purpose, too.
Focus on the Spiritual Roots of Nature, Learn From Nature, Connect With The Divine, Find Your Core Sacred Self
If you would like to deepen your connection with Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ by accessing the lessons to be learned through improved spiritual roots of Nature observation and connection, please follow us on our social media channels. In addition, you might also be interested in taking focused classes and experiences, found here. Of special interest might be Marnie’s just-announced course on connecting with God and Jesus through Nature to Align with the Divine!
Other IgnitePoint.com courses are listed here.
Or simply contact us at Spirit Tree Farms!