Changing From Being Earth Stewards to Earth Partners: A Lesson In Eco-Humility
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Changing From Being Earth Stewards to Earth Partners: A Lesson In Eco-Humility

Amid all the discussions about alternative fuels, climate change, responsible farming, eco-tourism, biophilia, and more, global citizens are demanding that the human species be “Earth Stewards”. They say that we have a responsibility to use our wisdom, knowledge, and collective thinking to protect, shepherd, defend, and care for Mother Earth and Nature. Isn’t this arrogance,…


Why Document What We Experience?

Brain scientists have long taught that, if we document what we experience, we’ll retain more of it. Originally, that was part of the reason that we at Spirit Tree Farms issued our #FindNatureJoy challenge: To encourage us all to document — whether in word, photos, drawing, music or some other form — the joy we…


Dragonflies and Nighthawks in a Wildflower Sunset

Spending weekends and summers at Lake #Winneconne, WI at my Grandma’s cottage was idyllic. We would often go on walks out in nature. It was during one of those sauntering evenings of nature observation that she taught me to “always take a moment to look back where you’ve been; enjoy the view!” The other day,…

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The Tale of the Ugly Front Yards

Folks who have native wildflower and native plant yards are often criticized by HOAs and neighbors who think yards should be meticulously-kept lawns, regularly cut and fertilized. A recent Facebook discussion in a Native Gardening group reminded me of what had happened to me in my neighborhood in Kingsgate, King County (suburb of Seattle) in…