Changing From Being Earth Stewards to Earth Partners: A Lesson In Eco-Humility
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Changing From Being Earth Stewards to Earth Partners: A Lesson In Eco-Humility

Amid all the discussions about alternative fuels, climate change, responsible farming, eco-tourism, biophilia, and more, global citizens are demanding that the human species be “Earth Stewards”. They say that we have a responsibility to use our wisdom, knowledge, and collective thinking to protect, shepherd, defend, and care for Mother Earth and Nature. Isn’t this arrogance,…

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Authentic Earth Partner: Pick Up Micro-Trash

As an #environmentalist, #NatureLover, and #Biophiliac, I’ve become a big believer in #personalresponsibility as I try to #FindNatureJoy at Spirit Tree Farms. Several friends and relatives model that (I’m thinking Marnie, Gene L. Kuhns, Gene Kuhns, Lynn Kuhns, and others); they create Nature Zen even without thinking about it. Some time ago my daughter ripped…