Feel Jesus's and God's love through Nature at Spirit Tree Farms - native plants and pollinator-friendly environment
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Spirit Tree Farms’ Mission: Help Folks See God’s Love Through Nature and Creativity

This morning, driving down the long dirt road that leads to Spirit Tree Farms, the thought came: “What is our mission? What are Marnie and Dave Kuhns to do on the Earth?” Almost immediately, the answer came:
“Use Nature observation, creativity, and partnering with the Earth to help people observe and feel joy, peace, and love. I love them. Help them experience Jesus’ and God’s Love through Nature.”

Spirit Tree Farms: A Portal to Experience God’s Love through Nature

How does that happen? We believe that Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ use Nature to proclaim Their divine love for us. Because of Them, Mother Earth is constantly broadcasting messages of peace, hope, security, creativity, healing, and more.

As a couple and as individuals, we are blessed to live on Spirit Tree Farms, a Christ-focused, faith-based small family farm. On this land, in Nature, we have learned to observe and feel and be grateful for God’s Love through Nature daily. We’ve discovered that, as we pay attention, as we write, photograph, make music, paint, cook, garden, or do any other creative activity relating to Nature, and as we express gratitude for what we experience, Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ show us, in ever-increasing amounts, how much They love and care for us.

We believe that Jesus loves us and desires that all His Father’s children have those same type of experiences. At Spirit Tree Farms, our intention, and our mission, is to model those activities and give you the opportunity to experience for yourself Jesus’s and God’s love through Nature. We hold walks, creative retreats, discussions, courses, and other activities and events to put you in situations where you can connect with the Divine. You’ll learn, practice, and become proficient in connecting with and feeling God’s Spirit, the Divine, through Nature, in feeling Jesus’s and God’s divine Love.

Besides sharing our own experience, we use Marnie’s book, journal, cards, and courses as guides to help you study, learn, and grow, and be able to share that Divine love with others. After all, once you leave us, we want you to be equipped to continue to more fully experience Jesus’ and God’s Love through Nature — where ever you are!

To find out more, contact Marnie and Dave at Spirit Tree Farms.

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