Spirit Tree Farm’s God, Jesus and Nature Focus Difference
The world is full of concerns about the environment, global warming, biophilia, connecting with Nature, and more dealing with the pluses and minuses of Nature and Mother Earth. There are few that have a God, Jesus and Nature focus. As we’ve been defining what we’re doing at Spirit Tree Farms, it’s been natural to compare ourselves with other Earth and Environmental protecting groups, and figure out how we are the same, and how we differ.

One truth we’ve learned about ourselves and the Spirit Tree Farms mission is that having a Heavenly Father, Jesus and Nature focus means we accept and welcome that God and Jesus are broadcasting their messages of love, peace, hope, and direction through Nature. To us, everything that Nature offers us, through Nature observation, healing, and creativity, has a background meaning and message from the Divine.
Some of Our Favorite Nature-Focused Groups
At Spirit Tree Farms, we’ve built our philosophy, our mission, and our messages based on what we’ve learned from others about Nature and the environment. Here are some of our favorites:
Home Grown National Park and Dr. Doug Tallamy: They focus on the scientific need for the USA to focus on planting, maintaining, and nurturing native trees and plants. This can take place in large properties or small plantings, even on balconies in major cities. The science of needing pollinators is well documented, and HGNP is enthusiastic AND research-backed. We are pleased to be #OnTheMap with them!
Latter-day Saints Earth Stewardship: This group, which ties into our beliefs as Christians and members of The Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-day Saints, focuses on we as humans being responsible to be good stewards of what God and Jesus have blessed us with, in Their creations in Nature and the Earth.
Greater Southeastern Native Seeds and Plants Exchange Facebook group: This, and other groups we belong to, such as the Tennessee Environmental Council, Georgia Native Plants Gardening, and more, focus on exchanging, supporting, and planting native trees and plants.
All of these groups, and many others in the #environmental protection and #Biophilia realms, focus on activities designed to protect, help, support, and heal Nature and Mother Earth. This type of #environmentalactivism is vitally important and beneficial. In fact, I’ve been active in these types of activities (Earth Day, composting, and more) for more than 50 years. But we still wonder: What are the differences between these great groups and what we want to accomplish?
God, Jesus and Nature Focus Brings Feelings of the Heart and Soul
The biggest difference we feel is the feelings and lessons we get from God and Jesus through Nature. We get involved with Nature because we get uplifted. We feel. We learn. We observe. We change. And the more we observe and change, the more truths — about Nature, about the Earth, about life, about ourselves — God and Jesus are willing to reveal to us and bless us with.
Being in Nature So We Can What? What Does Jesus Want From Us?
Every activity we do at Spirit Tree Farms, we do asking the questions: “What are we learning here? What are Heavenly Father and Jesus trying to teach us through Nature? What do God and Jesus want from us?” And then, when we hear what we should do, then we ask the question: “So we can what?”
If we plant wildflowers because we feel that’s what we’re supposed to do, we ask: “So we can what? What can we learn? What does Jesus want to teach us through Nature?” If we feel like we’re supposed to remove invasive plants, like privets and Bradford pears, what are we learning through Nature? So we can what? If we make mistakes, such as planting blueberries in the wrong area, and we get taught differently, again we as “So we can what?”
Hearing, Sensing, and Feeling Christ’s Messages Through Nature
Most importantly, though, are the feeling, sensing, spiritual, and emotional lessons we get from God and Jesus through Nature. As Marnie says in her book about Finding Peace in Nature, Mother Earth is constantly broadcasting sacred messages from God and Jesus. She is always saying “Come to me. Love me. Be grateful for creation, Come to me. I can heal you.”

Those spiritual messages, that Jesus and Nature focused healing, goes far beyond any Earth + human scientific study. They are much more than simply taking care of the Earth and being good stewards of the Earth, strong #planetdefenders. God, Jesus, Nature, Mother Earth, and we can — and should — all work together. We can serve Mother Earth. We can — directed by God and Jesus and Nature herself — help heal the Earth. In return, the Divine and Nature will uplift us, heal us, teach us, and give us joy and happiness.
There. We’ve said it. There is a science behind protecting the planet. There are scientific reasons for working to save Mother Earth. But the reality is that there needs to be spiritual roots and feelings behind environmentalism. The most important things we can do FOR the Earth is to learn from Heavenly Father and Jesus as They teach us spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical truths through Nature. We can be grateful for the tremendous beauty of creation. We can be thankful and aware of the lessons They teach us.
We can feel.
Receiving from God and Jesus through Nature and with Mother Earth, then, becomes a quid pro quo, a symbiotic relationship that helps Nature and Mother Earth fulfill its destiny and the reason for the Creation. Helping people feel that, understand that, and grow that relationship is, with all the planting, weeding, harvesting, monitoring, documenting that we do here at Spirit Tree Farms, the reason we do what we do: So folks can connect with God and develop a Jesus AND Nature focus.
For more information about our Christ-centered Nature observation and creativity classes, retreats, and activities, please check out our available classes. Or contact us for a free consultation about how we can help you find peace in God’s creations and Align with the Divine.
See you outside! Dave and Marnie Kuhns, Spirit Tree Farms
Still not convinced? Check out the book (along with audio clips) and free mini-course on Finding Peace in Nature.

CONTACT US: If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to message us at:
📞 206-605-2022
✉️ spirittreefarms@gmail.com
🌐 www.SpiritTreeFarms.com