Episode 10: Small and Simple Steps: Carolyn Cooper’s Journey with the SimplyALIGN Method™

Small and Simple Things: Carolyn Cooper’s Journey with the SimplyALIGN Method™

Welcome to the Spirit-Led Life Podcast! I’m thrilled to introduce my mentor and friend, Carolyn Cooper, the CEO and founder of the SimplyALIGN Method™. Carolyn is also a certified high-performance coach. The SimplyALIGN Method™ focuses on releasing limiting beliefs and building positive self-beliefs quickly and effectively.

Sound Bites

  1. “By small and simple things, great things are accomplished. It’s a principle I live by in my work and daily life.” – Carolyn Cooper
  2. “Just put one foot in front of the other and keep God’s light right there beside you. That’s all you need.” – Carolyn Cooper
  3. “We get so many things stuck in our filter that it kind of blocks our view of who we really are and what we can accomplish.” – Carolyn Cooper
  4. “Knowing that you’re not alone is huge. Our community thrives on shared experiences and mutual support.” – Carolyn Cooper


  • 00:00 Introduction to the SimplyALIGN Method
  • 01:49 The Birth of the SimplyALIGN Method
  • 09:12 Understanding Energy Work and Its Misconceptions
  • 14:25 The Rewards of Energy Healing
  • 16:26 Possibilities Rising Coaching
  • 19:42 Daily Practices for Spiritual Connection
  • 24:17 The Importance of Community in Healing
  • 27:11 Overcoming Stagnation and Finding Breakthroughs
  • 29:45 Continuous Learning and Insights
  • 33:06 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

Early Beginnings and Personal Life

Carolyn shared a bit about her background, explaining, “I created the SimplyALIGN Method™ and have been teaching it since 2004. Globally, I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people drawn to this work. It’s a great personal development tool.” Beyond her professional life, Carolyn is a mom and grandma with five grown kids. She’s been married to Dean, whom she affectionately calls “Dean the Dream,” for 43 years. Despite her Utah roots, she’s spent the past four years living in Washington, D.C. and loves both city life and the more quiet life.

A Defining Moment at Red Mountain Spa

One particularly inspiring story Carolyn shared was about a pivotal moment at the Red Mountain Spa in Southern Utah. She described how, after a long day of working with clients dealing with grief and sadness, she felt heavy and prayed for more light workers to balance the heaviness in the world. While stopped at a light, she heard a clear voice: “That’s why I’m asking you to teach.”

Despite initial doubts about her ability to teach such an intangible skill, the push that night solidified her resolve. Carolyn set up her first class, creating a manual, and successfully taught 12 students. “I explained it as if I were teaching my sister,” she said. The class was a success, and many of those first students still practice the SimplyALIGN Method™ today.

Ensuring Simplicity and Efficiency

Carolyn also shared an interesting story about creating the manual for her first course. Busy with work, family, and community responsibilities, she struggled to find the time to write it. One week before the class, she decided to put her church lesson first, trusting that she would be inspired to finish the manual later. The lesson she prepared about keeping things simple ended up providing the perfect outline for her manual. “It’s a true principle: Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you,” Carolyn reflected.

Misconceptions About Energy Work

Carolyn addressed some common misconceptions about energy work. “A lot of energy healing techniques are very ‘woo-woo’ with extra flowery stuff, but the SimplyALIGN Method™ is more practical and logical,” she explained. “Most people ask if it’s like Reiki or involves crystals, but it’s actually more like coaching. It’s very conversational—I ask questions, or you tell me what’s going on.”

Demystifying Energy Work

In our conversation, Carolyn Cooper and I delved into some common misconceptions about energy healing. Carolyn emphasized that while trained practitioners use techniques like muscle testing to locate energetic blocks, these gifts are innate in all of us. “Some people are afraid of what they don’t understand,” Carolyn explained, drawing a parallel with the trust people place in medical practices, which can sometimes seem more extreme than energy healing.

Carolyn highlighted that energy healing can be viewed as a natural extension of holistic health practices. “It’s about having a conversation to see where the energy is stuck,” she noted.

I reflected that this approach is akin to how Christ healed, emphasizing forgiveness and emotional release. While this perspective might be misunderstood by some, I still feel that the SimplyALIGN Method is harmonious with the Bible.

The Experience of Healing

Carolyn shared anecdotes of skeptics who, after trying numerous other methods, found relief through energy healing. “A lot of healing is acknowledging that there’s a root problem,” she said. The SimplyALIGN Method helps clients address these root issues gracefully, leaving them feeling light and unburdened. Carolyn finds joy in seeing the immediate effects of her work, especially in her short “laser sessions” where clients report significant progress week by week.

The Birth of Possibilities Rising

Carolyn’s transition from high performance coaching to her own Possibilities Rising coaching program stemmed from her desire to align more with her natural skills and talents. “I’m a certified High Performance coach, but I felt God telling me to use the natural talents I have,” she explained. Possibilities Rising focuses on core values, habits, strengths, and clarity, helping clients connect with their future selves and explore untapped possibilities in their lives.

Carolyn’s enthusiasm for Possibilities Rising is palpable. “It’s about getting in touch with what you want and what you can bring to the table,” she said. She has a knack for seeing multiple possibilities and paths forward.

Staying Close to God

Daily spiritual practices are integral to Carolyn’s life. She starts each day with prayer and is diligent with a prayer journal. This practice involves not just asking for help but also listening. “I have a to-do list with a ton of stuff on it, but I take it to God and ask, ‘What actually do I need to do today?’” Carolyn shared. Often, by focusing on one inspired task, she finds that other tasks become unnecessary or fall into place.

Carolyn’s approach exemplifies the principle of seeking divine guidance first. “I’ve learned that He’s so much smarter than me, and it’s going to work out way better if I just ask, ‘What is the most important thing?’” she said.

Importance of Daily Spiritual Practices

In our conversation, Carolyn Cooper shared how her daily spiritual practices shape her life and work. Despite being the omnipotent God of the universe, Carolyn believes that God cares about the small details of our lives, including our to-do lists.

One of her favorite scripture verses is from Alma 37: “By small and simple things, great things are accomplished.” This aligns perfectly with her work in the SimplyALIGN Method™, which focuses on small, simple steps that lead to significant changes. Another favorite is from Psalms 119: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,” emphasizing the idea of taking one step at a time with God’s light guiding the way. “Just put one foot in front of the other and keep God’s light right there beside you,” Carolyn advised.

Building a Supportive Community

Carolyn emphasized the role of community, especially for women, in staying centered and spiritually aligned. The SimplyALIGN Method™ community is a close-knit group of compassionate, generous, and wise individuals who support each other. “Knowing that you’re not alone is huge,” she said. Despite the advancements in technology, Carolyn believes that true connection happens through personal interactions, which are crucial for emotional and spiritual well-being.

One of the strengths of this community is the diverse experiences and knowledge each member brings. Carolyn shared how practitioners within the community offer key insights and support, helping each other navigate personal and family challenges. “Everybody brings their own personality and their own experience, and you add that together, and there’s a lot of wisdom there,” she observed.

Achieving Breakthroughs When Feeling Stuck

For those feeling stuck, Carolyn naturally recommends a SimplyALIGN Method™ session. She reflected on the concept of being stuck, questioning whether it’s merely a perception rather than reality. “We get so many things stuck in our filter that it kind of blocks our view of who we really are and what we can accomplish,” she explained.

Carolyn likened this to a window fogged up with doubts and worries. Clearing it allows you to see your true potential and the possibilities ahead. “It’s really hard to read the label from inside the jar. If you’ve got somebody else out here reading the label, it helps you see clearly,” she added.

However, for those unable to get a session, Carolyn suggested other practices like standing barefoot in the grass, breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, and Tai Chi. “The breath connects the physical and the spiritual. It is available to all of us all the time,” she emphasized.

Continuous Learning

Learning is a lifelong passion for Carolyn, who jokingly admitted that the “FOMO is strong” in her. She loves joining new classes and continuously learning, believing that even if her brain doesn’t remember everything, her spirit retains the knowledge. “When I get to the other side, I’m going to be so smart,” she laughed.

Regarding continuous learning, Carolyn finds value in both formal education and scriptural study. “Reading scriptures teaches you different things, like little golden nuggets buried in there,” she said. These insights often spark new perspectives and ideas, which she loves to share with her community.

She also touched on the balance between expecting miracles and surrendering to God’s will. Carolyn believes that surrender comes first, followed by expecting blessings and miracles. “Expect and surrender. They’re like this,” she said, demonstrating how they align one after the other.


  • The SimplyALIGN Method™ helps release limiting beliefs.
  • Energy healing can be practical and straightforward.
  • Community support is vital for personal growth.
  • Daily prayer and journaling enhance spiritual connection.
  • Peace is often the desired outcome of healing sessions.
  • Simplicity can lead to great accomplishments.
  • Expecting and surrendering to God’s will can coexist.
  • Continuous learning enriches personal and spiritual development.
  • Energy work can help clear mental and emotional blockages.
  • Everyone has the potential to be a light for others.

Final Thoughts

Carolyn’s journey with the SimplyALIGN Method™ and her dedication to spiritual practices and community highlight the profound impact of holistic healing. Whether through daily prayer, continuous learning, or building a supportive community, Carolyn exemplifies how small, consistent efforts can lead to great accomplishments. For anyone feeling stuck, seeking spiritual alignment, or looking to improve their life, Carolyn’s insights offer a guiding light to move forward.

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