Science Explains Why We Feel More Peaceful in Nature
Have you ever wondered why you can be stressed, go for a walk in nature, and feel so much better afterward? You’re calmer, more serene, more at ease? That’s because the earth literally syncs up your heart to a more peaceful state.

HeartMath Institute is doing cutting edge research which explains why we feel peaceful, more loving, more calm, more grateful and serene in nature. The human heart responds to our emotional state. If we are stressed, angry, frustrated, or upset our heart rhythm gets jagged. HeartMath Institute calls this an “incoherent” heart rhythm. When we are peaceful, loving, grateful, kind, and calm, our heart rhythm is steady and uniform (or coherent).
HearthMath Institute has placed sensor devices around the globe to measure the geomagnetic field and resonances of the earth. They have discovered that field line resonances of the earth sync up with the coherent human heart rhythms. The Schumann Resonances – which are 8 wave resonances that travel around the earth between the crust and the ionosphere – sync up with various human brain waves (like alpha brain waves).
In other words, when we align with the earth’s magnetic field rhythms (aka the earth’s heartbeat), our heart moves into a calmer steadier, coherent rhythm which matches the earth’s magnetic field rhythm. It’s almost like the earth is a giant metronome that can regulate our heartbeats to a calmer, steadier, more coherent rhythm which is much healthier than the sporadic, chaotic rhythm of a stressed-out, angry, frustrated heart.
If this intrigues you, watch this full presentation by Rollin McCraty of HeartMath Institute. There’s so much more that is happening here than what I explained above. The earth’s field is actually a type of communication system that connects the earth, humans, animals, trees, plants and everything on the planet. We are literally designed to be one with each other and with all of creation. And it’s important what we put into this shared global field. We influence others and the planet by whether we’re putting love or hate into the field. Check it out! Good stuff!
Learn more about finding peace in nature and the oneness and sacredness of all things in my new book, “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature” available in audio, ebook or print.
Featured Image: Bing AI Image created by Marnie Pehrson Kuhns with the prompt: “Create a piece of art that depicts how the magnetic resonances of the earth sync up with the human heart rhythms and creates a global field that connects all living things with the earth.”