Purple petunia - by Marnie Pehrson Kuhns
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Get Closer to God Through Nature – Spirit-Led Life Podcast

Would you like to feel closer to God? Nature is God’s continuous broadcast of His love, inviting us to come closer and find healing in His presence. His main message is, “I love you! Come to Me! I can heal you!”

In this episode, Dave shares a personal experience of feeling disconnected from God, simply going through the motions on our property without the peace and joy he usually finds in nature.

Through his journey, we break down the process of how to connect with God through nature. This is a simple and effective process you can apply anytime, anywhere.

Watch the Video

Step-by-Step Process to Connect with God Through Nature:

1. Acknowledge Your Need for Greater Connection – Recognize that you desire a deeper spiritual connection and that you are open to receiving it.

2. Ask for Help Connecting – Pray or meditate, asking God for assistance in feeling His presence more closely.

3. Listen for Spiritual Guidance – Be still and attentive, ready to hear the subtle guidance of the Spirit.

4. Act Upon the Spirit’s Nudges – Follow the gentle prompts and inspirations you receive, trusting they come from a higher place.

5. Look Up, Look Around Through the Eyes of Childlike Wonder and Gratitude – Embrace nature with a sense of awe and gratitude, seeing it as a reflection of God’s love

Learn more about aligning with the Divine through nature in our book, “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature.” Available now in paperback, Kindle, and audio versions.

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