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Spirit Tree Farms - What Is Real - Encouragement from the Father - dark clouds - Do It
Creativity | Nature + Creativity Training

Do It, No Excuses: Exercise And Life Lessons From Doctor Do It

Why don’t we exercise? Why don’t we get out into Nature? Why don’t we connect with God and Christ? Why don’t we feed our spirits? Why don’t we nourish our souls? Why don’t we stretch our minds? Why don’t we? Why do we atrophy, whether physically, spiritually, emotionally, socially, or mentally? Why do we let…

Episode 10: Small and Simple Steps: Carolyn Cooper’s Journey with the SimplyALIGN Method™
Energy Healing | Spirit-Led Life Podcast

Small and Simple Things: Carolyn Cooper’s Journey with the SimplyALIGN Method™

Welcome to the Spirit-Led Life Podcast! I’m thrilled to introduce my mentor and friend, Carolyn Cooper, the CEO and founder of the SimplyALIGN Method™. Carolyn is also a certified high-performance coach. The SimplyALIGN Method™ focuses on releasing limiting beliefs and building positive self-beliefs quickly and effectively. Sound Bites Chapters Resource Links Early Beginnings and Personal Life Carolyn…

Hebrews 12:4 - The word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any twoedged sword
Encouragement from the Father

Cutting Through Propaganda And Untruth: Encouragement From The Father

Propaganda, lies, half-truths, fact-checking, accusations, and confusion are swirling all around us. Especially in this election year in the USA, it’s hard to know what is truth, what is right. Yet, in this Encouragement From The Father video, Marnie gives a sure foundation for knowing what is truth. As Paul says in the Bible’s New…

How to Give Your Worries to God and Find Peace
Encouragement from the Father

How to Give Your Worries to God and Find Peace

Do you have worries or concerns about the present or the future or how things are going to work out? If so, this Encouragement from the Father from Philippians 4:6-7 is for you. “Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And…

Wide angle view of Sunset at Spirit Tree Farms field, NW Georgia Catoosa County.
Encouragement from the Father | God’s Love Through Nature | Peace in Nature

When Nature’s Peace Isn’t Working

At Spirit Tree Farms, our belief and mission is that Jesus Christ brings peace into our lives, We’ve learned, and want to share with others, that Nature is one of His tools — one of His underutilized methods — for bringing us His peace. But what happens when Nature’s Peace — Christ’s peace through Nature…

If the fires of contention are burning, Encouragement from the Father has a way to put them out.
Encouragement from the Father | Lessons from Nature

Contention In Your Life? Here’s How To Avoid It!

Contention is rampant in our culture today. Some is fun, playful: Dawgs versus Vols? Utes versus Cougars? Packers versus Seahawks? Cubs versus Brewers? USA versus Brazil (in women’s soccer). But some contention, whether in politics, eating habits, how to raise kids, the environment, is breaking families and life-long friends apart. In today’s Encouragement from the…

Spirit-Led Life Podcast Episode 9: Kristine Farley Discovering Divine Balance: Navigating Midlife with Joy & Purpose
Nature + Creativity Training | Spirit-Led Life Podcast

Discovering Divine Balance During Midlife: Kristine Farley (Spirit-Led Life Podcast Ep. 9)

In the latest episode of the Spirit-Led Life Podcast, holistic women’s wellness coach Kristine Farley shares her profound wisdom on navigating midlife with confidence and vitality. Drawing from her rich professional experience and deep spiritual practice, Kristine provides valuable guidance for women looking to heal from trauma, manage stress, and lead fulfilling lives. From the…

Spirit-Led Life Podcast - Episode 8: Using Gratitude to Unlock Nature Peace and Joy
Peace in Nature | Spirit-Led Life Podcast

Using Gratitude to Unlock Nature Peace (Spirit-Led Life Podcast Ep. 8)

Spending time in nature is one of the best ways to rejuvenate your body and soul. If you’d like to maximize your time in nature and feel God’s presence there, listen to this brief episode to discover the power in Gratitude in unlocking nature peace and joy. Watch this episode Listen to this episode on…

Purple petunia - by Marnie Pehrson Kuhns
God’s Love Through Nature | Nature Observation | Peace in Nature | Spirit-Led Life Podcast

Get Closer to God Through Nature – Spirit-Led Life Podcast

Would you like to feel closer to God? Nature is God’s continuous broadcast of His love, inviting us to come closer and find healing in His presence. His main message is, “I love you! Come to Me! I can heal you!” In this episode, Dave shares a personal experience of feeling disconnected from God, simply…

Environment Thoughts | God’s Love Through Nature | Lessons from Nature | Nature + Creativity Training | Nature Observation | Peace in Nature

Why We Do “Finding Peace in Nature” And “Align With The Divine” Courses: An Open Letter About Connecting With God And Jesus Through Nature

Background: Marnie sends out emails to friends, inviting them to look at her book about Finding Peace in Nature, and her course: Align With The Divine: Embrace Your Sacred Nature. Both the book and the class, as well as other materials and events we produce, focus on connecting with God and Jesus through Nature. As…

Environment Thoughts | God’s Love Through Nature | Lessons from Nature | Native Plants | Nature + Creativity Training | Nature Observation | Peace in Nature

Spirit Tree Farm’s God, Jesus and Nature Focus Difference

The world is full of concerns about the environment, global warming, biophilia, connecting with Nature, and more dealing with the pluses and minuses of Nature and Mother Earth. There are few that have a God, Jesus and Nature focus. As we’ve been defining what we’re doing at Spirit Tree Farms, it’s been natural to compare…

Environment Thoughts | Forest Bathing | God’s Love Through Nature | Lessons from Nature | Nature Observation

Nature’s Multiplier Effect?

Is there a multiplier effect in Nature? Follow my logic about earthing / grounding and negative ions that I formed walking through the woods today at Spirit Tree Farms. Consider the following: Where Earthing And Negative Ions Occur Studies into earthing show that physical contact with the Earth (soil, as well as sand, mud, rocks…

Wide angle view of Sunset at Spirit Tree Farms field, NW Georgia Catoosa County.
God’s Love Through Nature | Lessons from Nature | Nature Observation | Peace in Nature

Tapping The Spiritual Roots Of Nature Observation and Connection

Are God and Jesus Christ broadcasting Their messages of peace, healing, and love through Nature, Mother Earth, and Their creations? Are there spiritual roots of Nature? We’ll explore these thoughts, along with asking the “Why?” and “So we can what?” questions. The world seems to be exploding with more interest about Nature, the environment, and…

Sunset Sunflower Bee Zen Serenade
Creativity | Environment Thoughts | Forest Bathing | God’s Love Through Nature | Native Plants | Nature Observation | Peace in Nature | Pollinators

Sunset Sunflower Bee Zen Serenade

A native bee on a sunflower at sunset creates a zen-like moment. Coupled with the background of water splashing in the pond and Creation Girl Marnie Kuhns’ extemporaneous piano music, the colors, movement, and sounds help us connect with God in Nature, #BeZen, and #FindNatureJoy. Sunflowers are native to North America, and I believe this…

Lessons from Nature | Soil Restoration

A Tale Of A Pair of Pears: Find The Good In The Bad

Invasive species — plants not from our part of North America, that take over and crowd out beneficial plants -are something native tree and wildflower fans fight against. One of the worst is the Bradford pear, aka Callery pear (Pryus calleryana), Cleveland pear, or Plymouth pear. Yet we’ve discovered how having a pair of pears…

God’s Love Through Nature | Lessons from Nature | Nature Observation | Peace in Nature

Connecting With God Through Nature Requires Action!

Summer Solstice: A time for reflection, renewal, and recommitment, especially through Nature. A celebration of connecting with God through Nature. This morning, I got up before sunrise and headed out into the field, determined to greet the longest day of the year first thing in the morning, to sing a song of welcome, to shout…

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