How to Live Peacefully in a Chaotic World
This Encouragement from the Father came in answer to a prayer for peace and understanding on how to live peacefully in a world of tumult and conflict. (See the end of this post for the process I use to receive these insights.)
What Is Real?
(August 11, 2024, Sunday)
See yourself for who you are – a valiant child of God – in My perspective, a young woman still finding her way, still learning to trust. You’ve enjoyed many faith experiences already, and there are many more to come. See yourself as a valiant daughter coming home to Me with your Savior by your side.
This life is short, a blip, passing before you as a dream. Like all dreams, they all come to an end. They are not “real.” Real is where you came from, where I am, and where you are going. Any pain, sadness, inconvenience, trouble, or concern in the mortal realm is like a segment of a dream that will pass and disappear when you awaken unto God.
You can awake unto God here – now – today, and all mortal cares can be seen for what they are – a dream. Sometimes a nightmare, sometimes a sweet dream reminiscent of home, but nonetheless a dream.
Don’t attach yourself too much to the world. It isn’t real. It’s not lasting. It will pass. In Me, you are lucid dreaming. Anything is possible because you and I control the dream. See with an eye of faith and dreams become a realm you can manage and navigate with greater poise, harmony, peace and joy. Relax into Me.
Serve your brothers and sisters and trust My provision – like the peach tree that sprouted from a random pit off your deck. It bore fruit in abundance for a season, and then it was gone overnight when the predators carried away the remaining fruit.
Harvest while you can. Harvest quickly before the moment passes. And just as I can provide a peach tree, I can provide whatever else you need.
Live in love, joy, peace and gratitude and let whatever comes be enough. We are with you. Trust the process and when the time comes, we’ll welcome you home with loving arms and a feast even better than the prodigal son received.
– Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ
The time passed away with us, and also our lives passed away like as it were unto us a dream.
Jacob 7:26
For more insights on finding peace in our crazy world, my book, Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature, is available on Amazon in paperback, hardback, audio book and Kindle formats.
“Encouragements from the Father” are messages I’ve received and documented through journaling. My practice is to handwrite a prayer to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ. Then I study whatever scripture I’m led to (whatever falls open or comes to mind) and journal about it. Then, I listen for Heavenly Father’s reply and free flow write what comes. I have been impressed to blog some of these or portions of them that might be of some insight and encouragement to others. I do not claim to be speaking for God. I’m simply free flow writing what I feel led to write. Many times, the feelings or impressions I receive are not easily conveyed into words and are limited by my human ability to express. Take them or leave them as the Spirit directs you.