Contention In Your Life? Here’s How To Avoid It!

Contention is rampant in our culture today. Some is fun, playful: Dawgs versus Vols? Utes versus Cougars? Packers versus Seahawks? Cubs versus Brewers? USA versus Brazil (in women’s soccer). But some contention, whether in politics, eating habits, how to raise kids, the environment, is breaking families and life-long friends apart.
In today’s Encouragement from the Father, we learn how Proverbs tells us to deal with contention: Remove the cause, or remove yourself from the cause! It seems so simple. The Father even has a great analogy. He likens contention to a fire, the fuel and the coals.
When I was a youth, I learned about making campfires and keeping them going. Campfires need three elements to start and keep going: Fuel, heat, and air. Remove any of those three, and the fire goes out. In Proverbs, Heavenly Father reminds us of that very fact. As you watch this video on it, see if you can discover what God is telling us to do to remove the contention in our lives … and then do that!
Encouragement From The Father Video To Stop Contention, Gain Peace
Spirit Tree Farms’ Purpose: Promote Christ’s and Heavenly Father’s Peace
Whether we’re discussing getting rid of contention, promoting well being, or finding peace and joy, Spirit Tree Farms’ focus and purpose is to help folks connect with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Their sacred creations. For example, you might be interested in Marnie’s book on finding peace in Nature. While we don’t have all the answers — nor do we pretend to! — we are learning on the daily how much Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us and want the best for us. Please check out our blog posts, courses, and materials to discover what we’re learning and what we’d love to share with you!