Feel Jesus's and God's love through Nature at Spirit Tree Farms - native plants and pollinator-friendly environment
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Spirit Tree Farms’ Mission: Help Folks See God’s Love Through Nature and Creativity

This morning, driving down the long dirt road that leads to Spirit Tree Farms, the thought came: “What is our mission? What are Marnie and Dave Kuhns to do on the Earth?” Almost immediately, the answer came:“Use Nature observation, creativity, and partnering with the Earth to help people observe and feel joy, peace, and love….

Bing AI Image created by Marnie Pehrson Kuhns with the prompt: Create a piece of art that depicts how the magnetic resonances of the earth sync up with the human heart rhythms and creates a global field that connects all living things with the earth.

Science Explains Why We Feel More Peaceful in Nature

Have you ever wondered why you can be stressed, go for a walk in nature, and feel so much better afterward? You’re calmer, more serene, more at ease? That’s because the earth literally syncs up your heart to a more peaceful state. HeartMath Institute is doing cutting edge research which explains why we feel peaceful,…