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Connecting With God Through Nature Requires Action!

Summer Solstice: A time for reflection, renewal, and recommitment, especially through Nature. A celebration of connecting with God through Nature. This morning, I got up before sunrise and headed out into the field, determined to greet the longest day of the year first thing in the morning, to sing a song of welcome, to shout a joyous fanfare of appreciation, to wave (as I often do) at the morning sun.

Turns out, looking for that opportunity, having that desire, IS a good way to start the day, a great way to connect with The Creator through Nature, a committed way to feel the Spirit and Life Force that moves throughout the entire Earth, the feeling that connects us all. In fact, I wrote a haiku about and took photos of the moment, grateful for the opportunity to experience this long day’s sunrise in ways I hadn’t before.

Ecolodges and eco-tourism don't have to be exotic to be effective: Goldenrod field and Nature observation, creativity, and healing classes at Spirit Tree Farms in NW Georgia.

Later, after watering our pawpaw saplings and blueberry bushes, and feeling exhausted from the 95+ degree Georgia heat and scorching sunshine, I wearily headed home. Once inside the AC-cooled house, I wondered at the connection I’d felt with God, Jesus, and all of Nature. Even more, I wondered why those feelings didn’t last longer, didn’t stick around.

Then it hit me.

Connecting With God And Nature Means Doing

The solution of connecting with God, especially when it involves connecting with and through Nature, requires doing something. This Nature and God connection means we have to take action.

Sound simple? It is! But I wondered: If connecting with God through Nature is so simple, why don’t more folks do it more often? Why don’t I do it all the time? Why am I not constantly observing Nature and feeling God’s presence and love, and hearing the Divine messages? Why aren’t my heart and my soul and my mind constantly overflowing with gratitude for the amazing world of Nature we live in?

The answer, I think, is equally simple: The solution is too simple. It requires that we Nature observe, that we take a moment (or several) to see the sky, to feel the wind, to listen to the birds and bugs, to smell the flowers.

Maybe Connecting With God Is Too Easy?

Is connecting with God through Nature so simple that we make up every excuse in the world NOT to do it? “I don’t have the time.” “I don’t have the right clothes / coats / walking gear.” “It’s too hot / cold / windy / calm / dry / humid.” We can always make up a dozen excuses why we don’t connect with God through Nature … but none of them are valid.

Why? Because God has made Divine Connection through Nature extremely easy! In fact, it’s Earth’s purpose of existing. We don’t even have to take a lot of time. I realized all He wants me to do, all He asks me to do, to connect with the Divine through Nature is to do something. SOMETHING. ANYTHING!

There is a saying about a group of people that were poisoned. The solution to be healed was to look at something, to follow the directions. “But because of the ease of it, the simpleness of the way, many perished.”

We in the modern world are in a similar situation. The way to connect with the Divine through Nature is simple. It is easy. It can only take a moment. It can be as easy as observing a leaf, as simple as facing the sun, eyes closed, and feeling the sunshine on your face.

The Creator has made connecting with the Divine really simple. It just requires doing something. Anything. Interestingly, the more you do, the more Divine connecting experiences you have, the simpler and easier they become.

As I was thinking about how easy connecting with God through Nature really is, I thought about my wife Marnie’s book about finding peace by living in sacred Nature. Although I’ve read the book several times, I just realized something: Her entire book is filled with examples of how simple it is to find peace and connect with God through Nature.

Her book is proof that doing something, ANYTHING, in Nature, even if appears to be simple and easy, opens pathways that connect us with God through Nature, AND bring us peace and joy.

What Are You Going To Do NOW To Connect With God Through Nature?

You’ve just read this blog. Undoubtedly you want to feel connected to the Divine. You want more peace in your life. SOOOO, what are you going to Do RIGHT NOW, in Nature, to connect with the Divine? Get up. Stand up. Go do something. ANYthing.

Then, let me know what you did, and how it made you feel.

If you’re still stuck about how to connect with God through Nature, or if you just want to expand your Nature-inspired creativity and Nature observation and connection skills, consider taking a class or having a Nature- and Creator-focused experience at Spirit Tree Farms.

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