Hebrews 12:4 - The word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any twoedged sword

Cutting Through Propaganda And Untruth: Encouragement From The Father

Propaganda, lies, half-truths, fact-checking, accusations, and confusion are swirling all around us. Especially in this election year in the USA, it’s hard to know what is truth, what is right. Yet, in this Encouragement From The Father video, Marnie gives a sure foundation for knowing what is truth. As Paul says in the Bible’s New Testament, Hebrews Chapter 4, mighty truth is to be found in the Word of God.

In this time of tumult of opinions and on-going propaganda, we Christians need to be reminded of that. We need to ask ourselves: “Why are we mealy-mouthed about God and Christ? Why do we play into the confusion? In a time when people don’t seem to know what is true, and what is truth, we can confess and proclaim His Truth!”

Be Bold! Truth Fights Propaganda

An important aspect of this Encouragement From The Father video is not only where we can find the Truth. She also discusses how we shouldn’t be ashamed of the Truth of God! With so much propaganda being spouted as truth, with so many lies and half-truths being touted as truth, we as Christians need to step up and be bold in proclaiming the Truths — the absolute, God-given Truths — that we know.

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